Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 14: More Actions and Don't

More Actions and Don't

Mawi - S/he is crying.
Mindawe - S/he is pouting.
Ombiigizi - S/he is loud/noisy.
Boogidi - S/he is farting.
Wanichige - S/he is making a mistake.
Zagaswaa - S/he is smoking.
Gimoodi - S/he is stealing.
Giiwanimo - S/he is telling lies.
Maji-izhiwebizi - S/he is behaving badly.
Bangishin - S/he is falling.

Some games to play using the More Actions and Don't Words List:
Flashcards, Study Stack, Study Table, Matching, Crossword, Word Scramble, Bug Match, Hungry Bug

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