Nimaamaa - my mother
Gimaamaa - your mother
Omaamaayan - his/her mother
Nindede - my father
Gidede - your father
Odedeyan - his/her father
Nindaanis(ag) - my daughter
Gidaanis(ag) - your daughter
Odaanisan(ag) - his/her daughter
Ningozis - my son
Gigozis - your son
Ogozisan - his/her son
Nimishoomis - my grandfather
Gimishoomis - your grandfather
Omishoomisan - his/her grandfather
Nookomis - my grandmother
Gookomis - your grandmother
Ookomisan - his/her grandmother
Noozhis - my grandchild
Goozhis - your grandchild
Oozhisan - his/her grandchild
Niwiiw - my wife
Giwiiw - your wife
Wiiwan - his/her wife
Ninaabem - my husband
Ginaabem - your husband
Onaabeman - his/her husband
Nisaye - my older brother
Gisaye - your older brother
Osayeyan - his/her older brother
Nimise - my older sister
Gimise - your older sister
Omiseyan - his/her older sister
Nishiime - my younger brother or sister
Gishiime - your younger brother or sister
Oshiimeyan - his/her younger brother or sister
Nindawemaa - my sibling of the opposite sex
Gidawemaa - your sibling of the opposite sex
Odawemaan - his/her sibling of the opposite sex